Thursday, 13 March 2014

Revised plot summary

There were a lot of minor changes made to our original plan. In our original storyboard, we had two victims. However, when it came to filming, we could not arrange a suitable actress for the second victim. Therefore, we changed the plot slightly for one victim. Also the positioning of the murderer was too hard to arrange with minimal personnel. We therefore had to imply the murder, instead of showing it.
As we could not get hold of the necessary props and equipment, the pathologist scene had to be simplified. This means that it lost a lot of it's meaning but we used different shots to rectify this. In addition, the murder weapon had to change as we didn't have a big enough axe. As we had a sickle, we used that instead.
As we had only minimal personnel at our disposal, a lot of the planned shots had to be change. For example, we had planned to use over the shoulder shots from the murderer. However this proved to not be feasible. This reduced the amount of shots we used so we used longer shots to fill in the time.

Some of the shots had been too ambitious for our budget and ability. For example, we couldn't do any of the planned tracking shots as we didn't have a dolly and the cheapest ones we could find were £400 or so. We attempted to improvise with carts but it looked too messy and unprofessional.

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